Establishing Background
The idea of establishing International Society for Academic Advancement (ISAA) came to mind right after the successful hosting of the ICSU2021 (International Conference of Sahmyook University 2021), an event to commemorate the 115th anniversary of Sahmyook University.
As a hosting institution of the ICSU2021, experiencing the powerful network of SDA Universities and related institutions around the world, felt strong impulse that this kind of international academic event must go on rather than ending with just one-time event.
As a hosting institution of the ICSU2021, experiencing the powerful network of SDA Universities and related institutions around the world, felt strong impulse that this kind of international academic event must go on rather than ending with just one-time event.

Establishing Purpose
The ISAA (International Society for Academic Advancement) was established to:Purpose 1
Purpose 2
Purpose 3
Purpose 4
Main Project
ISAA’s 3 main projects are
International ConferencesSupporting
Harmonious Session ActivitiesSupporting
Expansion & Cooperation Between SessionsOperation Plan
ISAA’s operation plan follows
Manage by Division
- Religion & Theology
- Humanities & Social Science
- Healthcare Science
- Science & Technology
- Culture & Arts
- Faith & Learning
Establish Global Online Network
Prepare Exchange opportunities at all levels of academic groups
- Professors & Doctoral Degree holders
- Graduate Students
- High School Students
- Undergraduate Students
- General Public